陈可之,油画家,1961年生于重庆江津。为中国国务院特殊津贴获得者,美术家协会会员,高级美术师,连任七、八、九届中华全国青联委员。入选英国剑桥《世界名人录》、美国大百科全书《世界名人录》、100位《中国当代美术家》光盘图书,以创作历史题材和三峡题材享誉画坛。 ◇1978年以优异成绩考入四川美院油画系,1982年毕业。 ◇1979年创作《历史》为“伤痕画派”代表作之一,1981年获得四川第一届文艺评选优秀作品奖、复制品由中国美术馆(1983)和美国林肯艺术中心(1982)收藏。 ◇1985年作品《又一春》参加前进中的中国青年美展,由中国美术馆收藏。参加赴苏联、波兰、匈牙利等东欧中国油画展。 ◇1987年四川省展览馆举办油画个展,是四川美术家协会主办的第一个油画个展。 ◇1987年《冬日晨曦》参加首届中国油画展“中国油画大奖”,名列第一。 ◇1990年作品《东方之子》参加北京第十一届亚运会美展,由国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇选定由瑞士国际奥委会博物馆收藏。 ◇1993年作品《少女的早晨》、《家山》参加香港佳士得春季油画拍卖。 ◇1994年作品《捕鱼的小姑娘》参加日本东京国际艺术博览会。 ◇1995年参加香港文物馆中国艺术精品博览会,作品《处女湖》为广州嘉德拍卖公司拍卖封面。 ◇1996年作品《夕阳潮退》(又名世纪之恋)参加香港佳士得春季油画拍卖。 ◇1996年参加香港大会堂三石轩画廊举办林风眠、陈可之同台展。 ◇1997年参加新加坡国际艺术博览会。 ◇1998年大型油画《长江魂—— 三峡纤夫》获中国文化部第八届“群星奖”金奖和被评为“首都观众最喜爱作品”名列第一。 ◇1999年作品《三峡晨曲》为北京人民大会堂重庆厅主体画,是人民大会堂陈列的第一幅油画。 ◇2003年起花了近三年时间,主创大型油画《重庆大轰炸1938---1943》获日本广岛“和平贡献奖”,并在2007年被34集电视连续剧《记忆之城》作为大结局画面。 ◇2005年作品《遥想当年赤壁》等五幅油画由中国三峡博物馆收藏。 ◇2007年《长江魂---三峡纤夫》创北京长风秋季拍卖最高价,以560万元成交。 ◇2007年在中国美术馆举办“三峡风——2007陈可之油画个展”及专家座谈会。 Chen is an oil painter, born 1961 in Chongqing, China. One of China’s treasured cultural icons, a member of numerous art societies, and skilled art professor; he has been chosen to be in Cambridge’s book of famous people as well as Encyclopedia Britannica’s book of famous people and is also mentioned in the 100 top Chinese contemporary artists for his exceptional works depicting the Three Gorges. o 1978 Chen enters the Sichuan Art University, majoring in oil painting. He graduates in 1982. o 1979 Chen’s work, entitled History is chosen as winner of the first annual Sichuan Art Competition and continues to be chosen for prestigious awards and is displayed across the country (Central Art Museum in 1983 and the American Lincoln Art Centre in 1982) o 1985 Chen’s work, entitled Another Spring is chosen to represent young Chinese talent and is subsequently travelled and displayed in the Yugoslavia, Poland, and other Eastern European countries. o 1987 Chen’s work is displayed in his first solo exhibition in his home province of Sichuan. o 1987 Chen’s work, entitled Winter Sunrise wins first place at the Chinese Oil Painting Competition o 1990 Chen’s work, entitled Eastern Sons, earns praise in the 11th annual Asian Olympic Art Competition and is chosen to be displayed in Switzerland. o 1993 Chen’s works, Young Girl’s Sunrise and Home Mountains are auctioned in Hong Kong Christie’s auction house. o 1994 Chen’s work, entitled The Young Fishing Girl, is displayed in Tokyo’s Contemporary Art Festival o 1995 Chen’s work, entitled Virgin Lake, is auctioned off in Hong Kong and is the face of a Guangzhou auction house. o 1996 Chen is asked to speak at a prestigious Hong Kong art forum, on behalf of Chinese oil painters o 1997 Chen participates in Singapore’s Contemporary Art Festival o 1998 Chen’s large-scale oil painting, entitled Three Gorges, is chosen as one of the most iconic contemporary paintings and wins praise as “Most Favoured” by the public. o 1999 Chen’s work, entitled Three Gorges Sunrise is chosen as the theme piece for the Chongqing Auditorium. o 2003 Chen’s work, entitled Chongqing Big Bombing 1938-1943 wins the Peace Award in Japan, and is subsequently covered by 34 television channels. o 2005 Five of Chen’s works depicting the Three Gorges are displayed in China’s Central Art Museum. o 2007 Chen’s work, entitled Changjiang – Three gorges is auctioned off at the highest price ever paid for a Chinese Oil Painting; the bidding is closed at 5.6 million yuan (RMB). o 2007 Chen’s solo exhibition entitled Three Gorges Winds – the works of Chen Kezhi is displayed at China’s Central Art Museum and earns critical acclaim, creating a forum of artists and collectors’ praise.
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