陈克艺术简历 Resume of Artist of Chen Ke 1965—————— 生于河南省三门峡市 born in San Men Xia, Henan Province 1981—1983——毕业于机械工业部中量技校 graduated in technical school in department of mechanical and industry 1983—1985——任职于河南三门峡市中原量仪厂 worked in Zhong Yuan Measure Equipment Factory, in San Men Xia, Henan Province 1985—1989———就读于广州美术学院雕塑系 Studied in department of sculpture in Guangzhou Arts College 1989—1992———任职于广州市城建科技开发研究中心 Worked in city construction technology research center in Guangzhou 1992—2001———任教于广州美术学院油画系 Taught in department of painting in Guangzhou Arts College 2001—2002———就读于中央美术学院雕塑系研究生班 Studied in graduate class of sculpture department of Central Arts College 2002—现在———任广州美术学院雕塑系副教授、当代艺术研究室负责人 Associate professor in department of sculpture in Guangzhou Arts College, In charge of research office of modern arts 现为中国美术家协会会员、广东省美术家协会会员、中国雕塑协会会员、中国工艺美术家协会雕塑家协会会员、广东青年美术家协会理事、广东省美术家协会雕塑艺委会副秘书长 At present, he is a member of China Artist Society, a member of Guangdong Artist Society, a member of China Sculpture Society, a member of Sculpture Society in China Industrial Artist Association, a director of Guangdong Young Artist Association, deputy secretary in Sculpture Committee of Guangdong Artist Association 参展情况: Art Exhibitions he’s participated: 1999年 in 1999 《第九届全国美展》 (北京) “The Ninth Session National Arts Show” (Beijing) 《建党五十周年广东省美展》 (广州) “Guangdong Arts Show in Celebration the 50th anniversary of Foundation of Communist Party of China” (Guangzhou) 2000年 in 2000 《熔接》金属雕塑展 (北京) “Metal Sculpture Show with the theme of Fusion” (Beijing) 《钟表、可乐、电视》 (北京) “Clock and Watch, Coca Cola, TV” (Beijing) 2001年 in 2001 《西部、西部—与历史对话》 (西安) “West, Dialogue with History” (Xi’an) 《超越之道》—雕塑与多媒体 (北京) “Way to Transcendence ---Sculpture and Multimedia” (Beijing) 《陌生与微笑》 (北京) “Strangeness and Smile” (Beijing) 2002年 in 2002 《蓝色空间》 (北京) “Blue Space” (Beijing) 《新北京, 新奥运,体育雕塑展》 (北京) “New Beijing, New Olympic, Physical Sculpture Show” (Beijing) 《第五届全国体育美展》 (广州) “The Fifth National Physical Education Arts Show” (Guangzhou) 《杭州国际雕塑邀请展》 (杭州) “Hangzhou International Sculpture Invitation Show” (Hangzhou) 《看》当代艺术展 (广州) “Look” Modern Arts Show (Guangzhou) 2003年 in 2003 《交融》 (北京) “Fusion” (Beijing) 《城市幻觉与感知》 (新加坡) “City Hallucination and Apperception” (Singapore) 2004年 in 2004 《一面•另一面》 (广州) “One Side•The Other Side” (Guangzhou) 《埋堆》 (广州) “Piles” (Guangzhou) 《没大没小》 (广州) “No Big, No Small” (Guangzhou) 2005年 in 2005 《和平繁荣雕塑巡展 》 (北京、南京等七城市) “Peace and Prosperity Sculpture Itinerant Exhibition” (seven cities such as Beijing, Nanjing) 《绘画的当代性格》 (广州) “Modern Character of Paintings” (Guangzhou) 2006年 in 2006 《人文山水-当代雕塑展 》 (惠州) “Humanity and Landscape—Modern Sculpture Show “(Huizhou) 《来点真的•来点虚的》 (上海) “Little Real, Little Unreal” (Shanghai) 2007年 In 2007 《雕塑与城市的对话当代雕塑展—2007迎世博,上海国际雕塑年展 》 (上海) “Modern Sculpture Exhibition about Dialogue between Sculpture and City—2007 Shanghai International Sculpture Year Exhibition to Welcome the World Exposition” (Shanghai) 《和而不同》 (北京) “Together but Different” (Beijing) 《梦想南方.第一季》 (深圳) “Dream in South .The first Season” (Shenzhen) 《上海多伦多艺术文献展》 (上海) “Shanghai Toronto Art Literature Exhibition” (Shanghai) 作品获奖,收藏情况: Awards and Collection: 作品《唢呐情》被广东美术馆收藏,曾获得《第九届全国美展》优秀作品奖、《建党五十周年广东省美术作品展》铜奖。作品《祝福奥运》被中国体育博物馆收藏,曾获《第五届全国体育美展》三等奖、《广东省体育美展》银奖、《新北京,新奥运,体育雕塑展》一等奖。作品《你动,我动,齐运动》获《新北京,新奥运,体育雕塑展》二等奖及群众艺术奖。作品《眼》被中央美术学院美术馆收藏。作品《逝者如斯》被青岛雕塑艺术馆收藏。作品《双子星》被上海城市雕塑艺术中心收藏。另外有二十多件公共城市雕塑作品被上海、株洲、广州、深圳、北京、中山等多座城市和企业收藏。 The work “Suona Horn Love,” collected by Guangdong Art Gallery, was once awarded as an excellent work piece of the Ninth National Art Exhibition and got the bronze prize in Guangdong Artwork Exhibition in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Communist Party of China. His work “Olympics Blessing,” collected by China Physical Education Museum, once got the third prize in the Fifth National Physical Education Art Exhibition, the silver prize in the Guangzhou Physical Education Art Exhibition, the first prize of the “New Beijing, New Olympics” Physical Education Sculpture Exhibition. The artwork “You Move, I Move, We Act Together” was awarded the second prize and prize for arts for Messes in the “New Beijing, New Olympics” Physical Education Sculpture Exhibition. The work “Binary Star” is collected by Shanghai City Sculpture Art Centre. Moreover, over 20 art pieces of public city sculpture are collected by cities like Shanghai, Zhuzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Beijing, Zhongshan and some enterprises.
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