一,个人简历   1993, 毕业于广州美院雕塑系   2001 毕业于中国美术学院雕塑研究生    2001,8--2007    中国美术学院上海分院(上海设计学院)讲师 二,参展情况  1,个展:1999年12月, 在广东省画院,由广东省美协主办《陆泓安艺术作品展》   2002年3月, 美国休斯顿文化中心举办《陆泓安雕塑展》  2,联展:1996,11 广州国际艺术展 1997,9 参加澳门第十三届亚洲国际艺术展      1999,6   作品《大提琴之音》参加日本福冈亚细亚国际艺术展。      1999,10   与澳大利亚雕塑家马克.候本举办联展      2000,1  广东美术馆新生代夸世纪展     2000,3   作品《境泊湖》参加桂林《人文山水》地景艺术展      2000,1     参加韩国汉城和大田《中国现代艺术家邀请展》      2001,11    作品《枕木》参加“岁月如歌”西湖国际艺博会雕塑展      2001,11-2002,1 作品《有水的风水》《闯入二十一世纪》参加上海金贸大厦首届精文艺术大展(中国当代美术家作品展) 2003,9 石雕作品《四方娴静》上海秋季沙龙展 2006,9 雕塑作品《城市梦游》参展上海双年展证大美术馆“十加十对话”展 三,作品发表收藏   1991 在《希望》杂志上发表摄影及诗   1999,3 《贵州艺术大学校刊》刊登本人作品多件   1999,11 《艺术界》发表多篇文章及作品   2000,5  文章发表于《中国第二届青年雕塑家邀请展专刊报》 2000,8 作品《境泊湖》获收藏证书   2000,11  赴韩国艺术展作品其中五件被韩南大学及友人收藏   2000   摄影作品选入《中国行为摄影》   2001 作品被编入《中国当代女性艺术》 2003,10 上海秋季沙龙展展刊 2005,2 《艺术财富》发表作品及诗篇 四,学术成就被评论报道 1996 《南方都市报》报道本人及作品   1997 《街道》杂志专访报道本人艺术工作及作品   1997,11 《南方周末》和《屏幕之友》报道本人   1997,11 广东电视台《艺术太空》专栏专访介绍本人作品及工作室   1998,9 被贵州大学艺术学院聘为学术委员   1999,7 《新闻人物报》介绍本人参展日本作品《大提琴之音》   1999,11 《羊城晚报》《南方周末》报道介绍本人个展   1999,12 《广东商报》介绍本人工作室及与澳洲雕塑家马克.候本联展情况   1999,12  广东电视台《平常人家》专栏报道本人个展作品 2000,3 《广州日报》头版报道江总书记到高州视察并观看她城雕作品《高凉鼓韵》   2000,10 《世界日报》报道本人在韩国展览及作品   2000,11 《大田日报》报道本人在韩艺术交流展况   2002,2-3 《美南新闻》《神州时报》《国际日报》和美南电台,华语电台多次报道本人及作品 2003,8 《香港风情》杂志介绍本人艺术生活。 2004 《三月风》中国新闻人物月刊,第七期总236期专访 2005,3 《美术报》刊登作品及评论 Introduction Hong’ an Lu 1. Individual Resume: Aug, 2001-Now: Having been teaching in China Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai Branch. Sep, 1999-Jul, 2001: Postgraduate Student; Majored in Sculpture Department in China Academy of Fine Arts; Jul, 1999: Employed as part-time artist by Guangzhou Academy of Arts Painting; Sep, 1993 – Jul, 1999: Engaged in art edition in Guangdong People’s Publishing House; Sep, 1989 – Jul, 1993: Majored in Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; Sep, 1986 – Jul, 1989: Studied in Polytechnic School Affihuted to Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; 2. Working Experience: Aug, 1993-1999: Engaged in art edition in Guangdong People’s Publishing House; 1999: Employed as part-time artist by Guangzhou Academy of Painting; 1995-now: Established and administrated Hong’ an Lu Art Studio in Guangzhou; 1999-2001: Postgraduate Student; Majored in Sculpture Department in China Academy of Fine Arts; Sep, 2001-now: Having been teaching in China Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai Branch. 3. Exhibition/Expo: (1) Individual Exhibition : In Dec,1999, Hong’ an Lu’s Work of Art Exhibition was sponsored by Guangdong Artist Association in Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts; Mar, 2003 Hong’ an Lu’s Work of Art Exhibition in culture center of Houston United states (2) Group Exhibition : Attended Teachers & Students Photography Exhibition by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts for four times during 1996 and 1993, and being a member of Photography Association of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and gained many collection & artworks awards; Nov, 1996 & Nov, 1997: Attended Art Exhibition by Guangzhou Art Expo; Sep, 1997: Attended 13th Asian International Art Expo in Macao; Jul, 1998: Invited to attend Malaysian Art Expo; Jun, 1999: Violoncello’s Voice entered Japan International Art Expo; Oct, 1999: Sponsored united exhibition with Mark Horben., an Australian sculptor; Dec, 1999: Ordinary People’s Family, television special column of Guangdong Radio Station reported the individual art exhibitions and studio as a female sculptor; Jan, 2000: Attended Crossing Century New Generation Arts Exhibition in Guangdong Arts Museum Guangdong young Artists` works Exhibition Mar, 2000: Join “Ecology and Landscape ” earth art exhibition in Guiling with Jinbo Lake; Sep, 2000: Attended Sidney Art Exchange Exhibition in Australia; Nov, 2000: Attended China Modern Artist Invitation Exhibition in Korea; Nov, 2001: Attended Graduate Graduation Exhibition in China Academy of Fine Arts; Jun, 2002: Attended Time Be Song Sculpture Exhibition by West Lake Art Expo and Shanghai Jinwen Art Expo. Jul, 2003: Painting on the Polo car in the international Tennis open championship in Shanghai Sep, 2003: Attended Salon autumn Exhibition in Shanghai with “peaceful all side” stonework 4. Published & Collected Works: 1986-1993: Gained many works attending exhibition and collection awards in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; 1989: Published the Works for graduation from the Affiliated Middle School in Hope Magazine; 1991: Published photos and poems in Hope Magazine; 1996: Published works in Guizhou College of Arts Journal; Mar, 1999: published works in the Guizhou College of Arts Journal; Nov, 1999: published many photos in art circles; Dec, 1999: Two works were collected in the Individual Art Exhibition; May, 2000: Published short essay on art in 2nd China Youth Sculptor Invitation Exhibition Monograph; Aug, 2000: Nov, 2000: Five works were collected by Korean universities and friends in Korea Art Expo; 2000: Photography works were collected in China Behave Photography; 2001: Works were edited in China Contemporary Female Art. Oct, 2003: Works were edited in Publication of Shanghai autumn Salon 5. Commented & Reported Scholastic Attainments: 1996: My works and I were reported by Nanfang City Newspaper in Art Expo; 1997: My art work and achievements were specially visited and reported; Nov, 1997: Reported by Nanjing Weekend and Friend of Screen; Oct, 1997: Specially visited by Art Sky of Guangdong Television Station and introduced on the studio and art work; Sep, 1998: Employed as academic member of Academy of Fine Arts of Guizhou University; Nov, 1998: Works and relative comments were issued in the Beijing Youth Newspaper and Guangdong Oversea Chinese Newspaper; Nov, 1999: Individual Art Exhibition was reported by Yangcheng Evening Paper and Nanfang Weekend; Jul, 1999: Violoncello’s Voice was reported by Popular Figure Newspaper; Nov, 1999: Individual artwork exhibitions were reported and introduced by Yangcheng Evening Paper; Dec, 1999: Studio and united exhibitions with Mark Horben, an Australian sculptor was reported by Guangdong Merchant Newspaper; 1999: Individual Art Exhibitions and Picture Alums were artistically commented by Mr. Fangzhou Jia; Jul, 1999: Individual works were commented by Mr. Yuda Guang in art circles; Mar, 2000: Individual Exhibitions and art works were introduced in the Famous Figure Column of Family Guidance Newspaper; Mar, 2000: reported by Guangzhou Daily that Chairman Jiang Zeming visited Guangzhou City and visited my work, Gaoliangu Charm; Oct31, 2000: Individual works attended in Korea Art Exchange Expo was reported by World Daily; Nov9, 2000: Individual works attended in Korea Art Exchange Expo was reported by Datian Daily. Feb, 2002: Individual works attended in America exhibition and Art Exchange was reported by South America News, Shenzhow Times, International daily and Radio of south America, Radio of Chinese ; Aug, 2003: Individual Exhibitions and art works were introduced by Hongkong Style ……….
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