著名雕塑家 1925年生,广州美术学院教授、中国美协常务理事、全国城市雕塑艺委会副主任。致力于雕塑艺术64年,从事美术教育45年。创作大型雕塑105座,分别建立于63个城市广场上。室内雕塑18座为国家级美术馆、博物馆收藏,20座为市级美术馆公共场所收藏。 其艺术成就载入《世界美术史》及《中国美术史》,其传略被收入多种《中国当代名人录》及《国际名人录》。 曾被国务院人事部授予“国家级中青年有突出贡献专家”称号;全国总工会授予“五一”劳动奖章及全国优秀雕塑家称号;广东省政府授予广东省劳动模范称号。 广东省政府为其建立个人雕塑园。 获造型艺术成就奖。 Pan He is a tenured professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art. He spended more than 40 years in the field of fine art education and devoted more than 60 years in sculpture art. His achievemmets includes more than 100 large-sized statues standing at over 60 city-squares in cities all over the world and more than 60 mid-sized in-door sculptures collected and displayed in national art galleries and museums. At an early age, he was already granted the title“ Young Expert with Great Acheviment” by the State Council, awarded the “Labor Day Metal” by the National Labor Union and also granted the title “Model man of Guangdong”. In recently years, he was awarded the “Lifelong Achievement in Parstic Art Award” by the National Department of Culture and named “Leading Artist in the Field of Fine Arts” in Guangdong Province. His achievements appeared in the book,“History of World Fine Art”, published by the National College of Fine Art of the former Soviet Union and various books on history of Chinese fine arts. To praise him for his contribution in art, the The Guangdong provincial government built “Pan He Sculpture Park”
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