    刘鸣,1963年出生于湖南邵阳新宁,1988年入中国美院(原中国美院)中国画系,1986—2004年在长沙市美术职业中专任教,2004年辞职。现为中国美术家协会会员,自由职业艺术家, 居住长沙与北京两地。 参加主要展览: 2007年:第22届亚洲国际艺术展(印度尼西亚万隆) 2006年:全国城市山水画展“第五届深圳国际水墨画双年展”(深圳美术馆) 2006年:中国艺术博览会水墨画精品展(北京) 2006年:纨扇丹青中韩水墨艺术交流展(深圳关山月美术馆) 2003年:当代中国画精英荟萃作品展(长沙) 2003年:第三届中国油画展(北京中国美术馆) 2001年:中国感觉艺术展(长沙四维空间) 2000年:上海艺术博览会(上海) 2000年:当代湖南三人绘画艺术展(湖南美术馆) 1998年:98中国国际美术年--当代中国山水油画风景画展(北京中国美术馆) 1996年:中国现代水墨画展(泰国唐人艺术中心) 1996年:刘鸣,石刚当代水墨展(中国美术馆) 1996年:全国首届中国画展(中国美术馆) 1996年:全国十一次新人新作展(湖南美术馆) 1994年:全国第八届美术作品展(中国美术馆) 1994年:全国青年国画大展(中国美术馆) 1994年:全国首届山水画展(安徽美术馆) 1993年:全国第二届中国山水画展览(湖北长江美术馆) 1991年:当代画家刘鸣、石刚、刘应雄画展(中央美院画廊) 1991年:当代画家刘鸣、石刚、刘应雄画展(湖南美术馆)) 1991年:全国当代中国山水画邀请展(河北美术馆) 出版画册: 2006年:刘鸣当代中国画(河南美术出版社) 2007年:墨攻--刘鸣水墨(湖南美术出版社) 发表作品刊物:《江苏画刊》《美术》《美术向导》《美术》《国画家》《当代艺术》《画廊》《艺术界》《花鸟》《画风》《新世纪中国当代艺术图鉴》《画刊》 公共收藏: 中国美术馆(北京)、深圳美术馆(深圳)、长江美术馆(湖北)、香港艺术中心(香港)、彼岸艺术公司(美国)、城品画廊(台湾) 私人收藏:中国、香港、台湾、新加坡、美国、澳门、比利时等画廊与收藏家收藏 地址:湖南省长沙市麓山南路692号燕舟艺术工作室 邮编:410012 电话:13517490960 Emai1:liu@yanzhoucn.com Liu Ming’s Artistic Resume Liu Ming was born in 1963 in Xinning, Shaoyang, Hunan .He graduated from the Art Department of Hunan Hengyang Teachers' College in 1986, and he graduated from the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Zhejiang Art College in 1988.From 1989 to 2004 he was a teacher of Changsha Fine arts Professional Middle School. In 2004 he resigned. Today he is a member of the Chinese Artist Association, a professional painter. He lives in Changsha and Beijing. Main participation in the exhibitions: 2007: the 22nd Asian International Art Exhibition (Wanlong, Indonesian) . 2006: National City Scenery Art Exhibition “The Fifth Shenzhen International Ink and Water Painting Exhibition in Every Two Years” (Shenzhen Art Gallery). 2006: Chinese Art Fair High-quality Ink and Water Painting Exhibition (Beijing). 2006: Fan Painting Water and Ink Exchange Exhibition between China and South Korea (Shenzhen Guan Shan Yue Art Gallery). 2003: Contemporary Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition of Outstanding Person (Changsha). 2003: The Third Chinese Oil Art Exhibition (Beijing Art Gallery). 2001: Chinese Feeling Art Show (Changsha Four-dimensional Space). 2000: Shanghai International Art Fair (Shanghai). 2000: Hunan Contemporary Art Show of Three Man(Hunan Art Gallery). 1998: 1998 Chinese International Art Year -- Contemporary Chinese Landscape Oil Painting Art Exhibition (Beijing Chinese Art Gallery). 1996: The Chinese Modern Ink and Water Painting (Chinese Art Center in Thailand). 1996: Contemporary Water and Ink Painting Exhibition of Liu Ming and Shi Gang (Chinese Art Gallery). 1996: The First National Chinese Painting Exhibition (Chinese Art Gallery). 1996: The Eleventh National New Personality Recent Works Exhibition (Hunan Art Gallery). 1994: The Eighth National Fine Arts Exhibition (Chinese Art Gallery). 1994: National Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition of Young People (Chinese Art Gallery). 1994: The First National Landscape Painting Exhibition (Anhui Art Gallery). 1993: The Second National Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition (Hubei Yangtze River Art Gallery). 1991: Art Exhibition of Contemporary Painters Liu Ming, Shi Gang and Liu Ying Xiong (Central Art College Art Corridor). 1991: Art Exhibition of Contemporary Painters Liu Ming, Shi Gang and Liu Ying Xiong (Hunan Art Gallery). 1991: National Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Invitation Exhibition (Hebei Art Gallery). Liu Ming’ Picture Albums: 2006: Contemporary Traditional Chinese Painting of Liu Ming (Henan Fine Arts Publishing House). 2007: Breakthrough in Art—Liu Ming’s Water and Ink Painting (Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House). Some works in the following publications: 《Jiangsu Periodical》, 《Fine Arts》,《Fine Arts Guide》,《Fine Arts Newspaper》,《Traditional Chinese Painter》,《Contemporary Art》,《Art Corridor》,《Circle of Art》,《Flower-and-bird Painting》,《Picture Wind》,《New Century Chinese Contemporary Art Illustrated Handbook》, 《Art Periodical》. Public collection: Chinese Art Gallery (Beijing), Shenzhen Art Gallery (Shenzhen), Yangtze River art Gallery (Hubei), Hong Kong Art Center (Hong Kong), Other Shore Art Company (US), Chengpin Art Corridor (Taiwan). Personal collection: His works are collected by the art corridors and collectors in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, the U.S., Aomen, Belgium and so on. Phone: Changsha 13517490960, Beijing 13401082919 Addresses: Yanzhou Art Studio (Lushan Road 692, Changsha, Hunan, China). Postcode: 410012 Emai1:liu@yanzhoucn.com
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