李玉宝 毕业于辽宁教育学院艺术系 中国美术家协会辽宁省分会会员 辽宁省凌海市职教中心高级讲师 辽宁省凌海市美术家协会副主席 职业画家,现定居上海 1998年作品《红山楂》入编《中国现代艺术精品集》 1999年作品《梦·红橘》参加建国50周年辽宁省美术创作成就展,获优秀作品奖 2000年参加《中国油画》人体研修班 2001年入选《美术大观》(第9期)画家与画栏目 2002年在辽宁省青年美术作品展中作品《青年唢呐手》获金奖 2003年作品《磨刀人》获辽宁省美展银奖 2004年作品《大出殡》入选全国第十届美术作品展辽宁展区,并获优秀作品奖 2005年参加第九届上海艺术博览会 2005年12月作品《摩梭女》参加上海大剧院画廊举办的“东方金秋”-“两岸、四地”作品展 2006年3月23日上海《生活指南》视觉专栏整版介绍 2006年7月6日上海《劳动报》刊登作品《草原少女》 2006年作品《摩梭女》参加上海文隆2006春季艺术品拍卖会 2006年11月参加第十届上海艺术博览会 2008年5月参加上海市欧美同学会与上海市留学人员联合会主办援建四川希望学校义卖 2008年6月上海莫干山路M50东方红艺术工作室《图象的切换》--三人联展 2008年6月参加上海熏依社画廊无国界文化共同体主办6.29慈善义卖 地址:上海市莫干山路50号13号楼1楼 电话:13761199483 Li Yubao Graduated from the Department of Art. Liaoning Educational Institute, a member of the Liaoning province branch of Chinese Artist Association. Professional painter. Now in Shanghai. Publications an Activities: Red Chinese Hawthorn, Chinese Modern Art High-quality Works Collection, 1998 Dream Fujian Tangerine, won the Excellent Work Award in the Painting Exhibition in Liaoning province for the 50th Anniversary National Day, 1999. A member of the ‘China Oil Painting’ Body Research Class, 2000. Elected by the 9th volume of Artists and Paintings Column in ‘Grand Sight of Paintings’, 2001. Won the golden award in the Youth Arts Work Exhibition in Liaoning province with the work ‘Chinese Youth Suona’, 2002. Won the silver award in the Arts Exhibition in Liaoning province with the work ‘Knife Milling Person’, 2003. Elected by the Liaoning province area in the 10th National Paiting Work Exhibition, and won the Excellent Work Award, 2004. Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2005. Attended the ‘Oriental Golden Autumn’-‘Both Banks’, ‘Four Places’ Event held by Shanghai Theater Gallery with the work ‘the Shuttle Woman’, Dec, 2005. Introduced by the whole column ‘Life guide’ in Shanghai, 23, Mar, 2006. A work ‘Prairie Girl’ was published in ‘Labour’ newspaper in Shanghai, 6, Jul, 2006 Attended the ‘Wenlong’ Spring Arts Auction in Shanghai, 2006. Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2006. Attended the Arts Exposition in Hangzhou, 2007. Address: 1F,13, 50, Moganshan Road, Shanghai Tel: 86-13761199483 荣获“世界文化遗产”称号的云南丽江古城,古老神秘的东巴教,融汇了儒,释,道文化的多元文明,融纳西人古典音乐和“元人遗音”以及道教洞径音乐等于一体的纳系古乐,高原母湖---泸沽湖畔的“女儿国”的母系制度和走婚,凄美哀绝的“世界殉情之都”等等。这些都吸引和震撼着画家的目光和心灵,先后五次往返于丽江,泸沽湖之间写生,创作出了大量反映纳系族人民生活,宗教,信仰的油画作品,其中《纳西古乐》是画家用3个月时间倾力创作的结晶。 An old mysterious city, East Pakistan, in Lijiang, Yunnan, receives the honor ‘World Culture Inheritance’, blends the Confucian, Shi, and Tao cultures together, mixed the Naxi classical music and ‘the sound of Yuan’ as well as Taoism music to a body, the ancient natrium music. It also absorbed the plateau female lake, Lugu, the lakeside "Women Country" the matriarchal system and walks the marriage, the chilly beautiful sorrowful certainly "the world buried all" and so on.. These all attract and are shocking painters’ vision and mind, I went and returned successively in Lijiang and the Lugu Lake 5 times to draw the nature. The creates had massively reflected the Naxi national lives of the people, the religion, the belief oil painting work. The ‘Naxi Ancient music’ is a great crystallization of creation and it took the paiter 3 monthsto draw it.
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