肖宝云 民 族: 满族 出 生: 1983年11月6日 个性特点: 开朗活泼、热爱生活 兴趣爱好: 骑马游泳 个人简历: 2000年考入中央美院学习油画专业,师从著名画家张义波、苏高礼老师,美院要求扎实的造型基本功,因此在专业方面一直勤于探索,技艺上日求精进,精神上不断锤炼。2002年中央美院陈列馆举办风景写生油画展,作品《风景组画》被留校收藏。2004年美院陈列馆举办油画系毕业展,毕业创作作品《坝上人家》获优秀奖并留校收藏。毕业之后在北京科技大学美术系任教一年, 2005年,考上中央美院油画系研究生课程班,学习其间一直在创作语言上不断探索,师从画家李延洲、丁一林、戴士和、刘小东老师,在油画表现语言、创作各个方面都得到了很大提升。现就读于中国艺术研究院。 获奖情况: 2004年本科毕业创作作品《坝上人家》获中央美院创作优秀奖并留校收藏 2005年作品《青鸟》参加日本神户教师交流作品展 2007年研究生班作品《山之恋》入选“学院之光”同年参加嘉德展拍 2009年作品《午后小院》入选建国60周年2009上海大东方当代油画作品展获优秀奖 2009年作品《酒神》系列之三入选2009意大利佛罗伦萨双年展 联系电话:13718809856 E—MAIL:baoyujiaolonger@tom.com 博 客: xiaobaoyunlx.blog.163.com Name: Xiao Baoyun Birthday: 1983—11—6 Personality: outgoing and loving lives Interesting: swimming&riding Resume: I studied at CAFA since 2000 and learned art from the artists Zhang Yibo and Su Gaoli.I always study hard in the academe environment, my basic skill and my soul was upgraded continuously. I always look for the reality. My oil paint" My home scene"was collected by the academy at the CAFA Art Gallery’s oil paint exhibit 2002.My graduate creation work " Bashang farmers" got the reward and collected by the academy at the CAFA Art Gallery’s oil paint exhibit 2004.I was admitted to study at the CAFA’S academe in 2005, and learned from the artists Li Yanzhou\ Ding Yi lin\Dai Shihe and Liu Xiaodong, my painting skill and creativity was promoted tremendously. Award Experience: " My home scene"was collected by the academy in 2002 " Bashang farmers "was collected by the academy in 2004 " Jade Bird"was exhibited at the exchange of teachers Exhibition Kobe, Japan in 2005 " Hill Love"was exhibited at the “College of Light” exhibition, and was selled at Guardian Auctions The work "The pastoral god of wine," selected 798 Contemporary youth opportunity Art Exhibition Phone: +86-13718809856 E—MAIL:baoyujiaolonger@tom.com Blog: xiaobaoyunlx.blog.163.com
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