杨永亮,当代艺术家,1978年出生,定居北京,深造于北京服装学院与中央美术学院 Sunny, Having studied in Central authority academy of fine arts and Beijing clothing academy. 艺术作品涉及,绘画、书法、雕塑、服装造型等艺术形式,被海内外收藏家、企业家收藏。Oil painting, Traditional Chinese painting, Calligraphy and Clothing works are seeked by the collecters here and overseas.
从小受艺术熏陶,在父母的鞭策下6岁开始学习书画、武术; 12岁开始发表美术、书法作品获奖,18岁获国内大奖,从此对绘画、书法、篆刻、雕塑、武术、戏曲、音乐、舞蹈等艺术形式产生浓厚的兴趣,对艺术的追求一发不可收拾;大学毕业不断的学习深造,一直坚持从事艺术创作工作;曾担任台湾婚纱摄影集团美术指导、造型摄影师;影视公司美术总监、首席服装造型师;服装品牌公司艺术总监;集团企业形象艺术顾问;经过多年艺术积累和沉淀以及对中国传统文化与时尚文化深入的研究,逐渐形成自己的艺术风格。游走于视觉艺术、影视舞美、服装造型、当代艺术创作间的艺术家。醉心于中国当代艺术的诠释,1993年荣获河北省赵苑书画大赛美术佳作奖;1998年荣获全国青年书画摄影大赛美术银奖;2001年“首艺杯”全国推新人大赛 北京十佳奖(中国老艺术家协会);影视舞台艺术造型代表作品:2001年获邀为科幻电影《五行战士》设计人物艺术造型(美国);2002年影视剧《还珠格格》设计人物艺术造型(台湾);2002年“搜狐”五周年庆典设计艺术造型 ;2003年影视剧《花姑子》设计人物艺术造型(台湾);2003年影视剧《宝莲灯》设计人物艺术造型(CCTV);2003年获邀为影视剧《凤求凰》设计人物艺术造型(CCTV);2004年获邀为“三星国际集团”CDMA设计艺术造型;2007年获邀为“首都机场旅业集团”企业形象设计造型;展览:2005年北京宋庄艺术节展(中国北京);2006年宋庄艺术家联展(中国北京);2007年青年艺术家美术展(中国北京);2008年纪念中国改革开放三十年服装艺术个展(中国旅游协会);2008年北京宋庄艺术节展(中国北京);2008年全国青年美术作品展(中国美术馆);艺术作品涉及,绘画、书法、雕塑、服装造型等艺术形式,被海内外朋友、收藏家、企业家收藏。
I was trained by my parents when I was young. My parents got me to study painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, music, Chinese Kongfu and so on. I have studied drawing and Chinese Kongfu since 6 years old. I got a lot of prize when I was 12 years old. I got a big prize all over the country when I was 18. From that moment on, I decided to work on the artist road. After my graduating from my university, I have been working as artist. I took the art and camerist for Taiwan Wedding dress groups. Another I just took the artist majordomo, Stylist, or brand company artist majordomo even the art consultant for many groups company. As my experience for many years in studying and researching Chinese tradition, I have formed my own style. Oil painting, Traditional Chinese painting, Calligraphy and Clothing works are seeked by the collecters here and overseas.
Get award in ZhaoYuan painting competition in Hebei province in 1993.
Get silver award in National painting competition in 1998.
Get new artist award in "capital artist cup compitition" in 2001
《Warriors Of Virtue》science fiction film (USA)
《Chuckle Of Huan Zhu》TV drama program ( TW)
The clothing design for the fifth Anniversary of SOHU company.
design for internet game
《Hua Gu Zi》TV drama program (TW)
《Magic Lotus Lantern》 TV drama program (CCTV)
《The Male Phoenix Pursui》TV drama program (CCTV)
Design for SUNGSANG International Group in 2004
Having joined Beijing Songzhuang art expo in 2005.
Having joined Beijing Songzhuang art expo in 2006
Having joined the Tonglu art expo of the year 2007
Design for Capital Airport Traveling Group in 2007
Having joined Beijing Songzhuang art expo in 2008
Joined the national youth painting expo in 2008
Joined the memory of 30th reform and opening clothing expo in 2008
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