张朝翔于1987年在陕西省美术馆个展,于1988年在北京《中国美术馆》个展,1990年在四川绵阳市个展。1992年在北京中国画研究院举办大型个展。之后在《陕西省美术馆》再次个展,随后在铜川市个展。1993年春在深圳个展,同年秋在广州个展,1992年8月在台北个展,1994年、1996年两次在香港《收藏家画轩》个展。1964年作品《做作业》参加了全国青年画展。1991年作品入选日本国际艺术大展,同年作品又入选法国国际友好展,获一等奖。1992年2月中国东方文化研究会在文化部批准举办的国际中国画展中,作品入选并获“荣誉奖”。1993年十月入选《国际现代书画篆刻辞典》,被评为《铜奖艺术家》称号。1993年11月作品入选由中国文化部、中国美协等单位举办的国际中国书画博览会上,张朝翔一幅群牛图被选进“知名书画家展厅”展出。1994年作品入选全国第一届中国青年画展并获“优秀奖”,作品收入《中国青年画家》集,之后作品入选全国第二届山水画展,并收入“大展画集”。1996年11月作品《永不磨灭的辉煌》入选长城颂国际大展,获《世界创新牌大奖》,另一幅获“优秀奖”。1995年7月作品入选“现代书画家交流展”获“荣誉金奖”。1996年英国剑桥国际名人协会提名张朝翔入编《国际名人录》,并提名颁发给画家1996年--1997年度《国际名人最高荣誉勋章奖》,随后颁发给《二十世纪国际杰出人物最高荣誉勋章奖》,接着任命为《世界成就金星大奖》。1996年夏在美国喜来登大酒店个展,十米群马图评为《金人奖》。1996年美国国际名人协会主席提名张朝翔入选《世界500先导人物大典》,并任命为《世界终身成就金像奖》,之后任命为《总统金奖》。1998年中国书画编委会颁发给画家《当代百名优秀文艺家殊荣》。1999年作品入选《99中国名家书画展》,获“最高荣誉金奖”,并授予“跨世纪书画艺术名人”称号。1999年12月中国文联举办的《庆祝中华人民共和国成立50周年国画作品展》获“优秀奖”。2000年全国第二届花鸟画展,《辉煌春天》入选,并收入《全国第二届花鸟画展集》,同年第三届王子杯海峡两岸书画大赛,作品入选,并获《特别金奖》。2000年7月《祖国颂》山水巨作,入选中国文化部、人民画报社等单位主办的《世界华人艺术大展》,并获《世界铜奖》,此年国际美术家联合会等16个世界艺术组织联合举办的世界艺术大展,张朝翔作品入选,并评为《世界书画艺术界名人》“荣誉称号”。同年,全国跨世纪著名中国画作品展,张朝翔作品《未被污染的地方》入选,并收入《跨世纪著名中国画作品集》。2001年张朝翔被“世界华人艺术家交流中心”、 “世界华人精英成就评奖委员会”和“中华艺术家献爱心联合会”评为“作品金奖”和“世界华人精英成就金像奖艺术家”。2000年6月,《春色无限好》作品在香港大会堂举办的第五届世界华人艺术展上荣获《世纪荣誉奖》。2001年被《商界风云》评为2001年全国最有市场升值潜力的十大书画艺术大师。2002年9月,被评为中国美术500强提名奖;2002年第9期<美术>杂志专版介绍。2002年12月,中央电视台拍制三十分钟的电视专题片《野风--画家张朝翔的梦》,在中央电视1、3、4、8等台播出。上海教育电视台为其拍了十分钟的电视片《野风的故事》,并多次播出。2002年第3期《中国画研究》专版介绍。2003年《西部童话》作品入选全国第二届中国画大展,《小康人家的梦》入选中国画第二届全国金彩奖大展。2004年5月,参加夺“王”大展赛荣获“山水王”称号,香港授予“中国书画艺术界杰出贡献奖”。
几十年来,张朝翔个人画展十多次,联展上百次,数千幅作品被国内外友人收藏。中央电视台以及北京、陕西、湖南、山东、深圳、贵州、青岛、四川、合肥、黄山、山西等省市电视台播放。介绍画家张朝翔及其作品的电视专题片有《秦牛争辉》、《古树雄风》、《野风风采》、《野风飞舞》、《画坛野风》等。《人民日报》、《中国日报》、《西藏日报》、《文艺报》、《新晚报》、《西部开发报》、《美术》、《美术观察》、《人民画报》、《中国时代画报》、《中华英才》、《收藏》、《收藏家》、《中国民航》等中外有名报刊多次报到。入选的大典和大型画集有:《世界名人录》、《东方之子》、《二十世纪人才库》、《中华人物大辞典》、《世界美术选集》、《中国美术选集》、《当代名家精英大典》、《中国艺术博览与收藏指南》、《中国当代著名书画家-珍品选》等二百多部大典。《张朝翔创造野风画派艺术》专注出版发行。 润格:国画每平方尺5000元起
The Winner of World Lifetime Achievement Award
---- Zhang Chaoxiang
Zhang Chaoxiang, whose assumed name is “Wild Wind”, and pen named “Wild Wind”. He was born in 1943 and his nationality is Han. After graduation from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1963, he received a further training in the department of Chinese painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and later graduated from Northwest Periodical Correspondence College. Presently he is deputy chairman of International Artists Association, deputy chairman of Huabei Area of World Calligraphy and Painting Association, deputy dean of Shanxi Traditional Flower and Bird Art College, vice president of World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, an advanced painter, an expert member of UNESCO, an erudite member of China International Literary and Art Association, a specially invited chief honorary professor of China Calligraphy Artists Creative Center, a member of China Artists Association, a director of China Calligraphy and Painting Association, a specially engaged painter of Xi’an Painting Academy of China, an artists committee member of China Qualified Personnel Research Association, a leader of China Wild Wind School Art Creative Office. He has written a monograph entitled Zhang Chaoxiang Creating Wild Wind School Art and his website is :www.chinayefeng.com. In 1957 he began to study Flower-and-bird Painting under the supervision of the famous painter Mr. Ye Fangqiao. In 1958 he acknowledged the great painter Shi Lu as his teacher, and later Zhou Shaohua, Liu Guosong and so on as his teachers. His grandfather Zhang Dongchuan , a painter , has a great influence upon him. In 1977 Zhang Chaoxiang initiated Wild Wind Painting School and carried the flag of the school. In the school ,“wild” means “objective world”, while “wind” “the spiritual world”. After observing the objective world, he refines his thoughts to create “the spiritual world” revolving high in the sky and turn out a series of Wild Wind School artistic works. The Wild Wind School carries forward spiritual melody, pursues modernized World in Color and advocates creative awareness. The school advocates truth, goodness and beauty, and opposes fake, evil and ugliness, and advocates that arts should repay the people and society. The great painter Ye Qianyu comments that Zhang’s paintings are “uncommon in artistic conception and exceeding in literary talent”. The former national chairman Hua Guofeng inscribed “Wild Wind Expressing Emotions” after collecting his works. The Vice Chairperson Tian Jiyun inscribed “Wild Wind Spirit” after collecting his works. The great calligrapher Shen Peng inscribed “Wild Wind Elegant Demeanour” for Zhang’s exhibition. Zhang was engaged to sparetime writing from 1963 to 1978. In 1966, Zhang was labelled as “anti-revolutionist” because of his saga novel Fire Reflecting Midwinter Redness. Later he wrote to Chairman Mao and was redressed completely in May 1967. Then he took up painting again. In decades of teachings he took advantage of holidays to travel around widely to observe the objective world and new things, explore new fields, pursue new realms and look for further development.
Zhang Chaoxiang held an exhibition of his works in 1987 at Shanxi Art Gallery, in 1988 Beijing at China Art Gallery and in 1990 in Mianyang city of Sichuan Province. In 1992 he held a large-scale solo exhibition at China Painting Academy. Later on he held a solo exhibition again at Shanxi Art Gallery, and in Tongchuan city. He held solo exhibitions in spring 1993 in Shenzhen, in autumn 1993 in Guangzhou and in August in Taibei. He held solo exhibitions in Collector’s Art Gallery twice in 1994 and in 1996 respectively. In 1964, his work Doing Homework was in for National Youth Exhibitions. In 1991, his works were chosen by Japan International Art Exhibition, and at the same year chosen and won the First Prize in France International Amity Art Exhibition. In February 1992, his works were chosen and won him “Honorary Prize” in International China Art Exhibition held by China Oriental Culture Studies Association and authorized by Culture Department. In October 1993, his works were chosen into International Modern Painting, Calligraphy and Seal-Carving Dictionary and won him the title of “Copper Prize Artist”. In September 1993, his works were chosen into International China Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition co-held by China Culture Department, China Art Association, etc., and one of Zhang’s works Cattle Herd was chosen into Famous Artist Expiation Hall. In 1994 his works were chosen into the First National Youth Art Exhibition and won him “Excellent Prize”. Meanwhile, his works were chosen into the Collection of China Youth Artists, and later into National Landscape Art Exhibition and Great Art Exhibition Collection. In September 1996, his work Eternal Glory was chosen into the Great Wall Laud International Great Exhibition and won him “World Creative Prize”, and another work won “Excellent Prize”. In 1996, his works were chosen into Modern Painter and Calligrapher Exchange Exhibition and won him “Honorary Gold Prize”. In 1996, he was nominated by Britain Cambridge International Association for WHO’S WHO, awarded International WHO’S WHO Tiptop Honorary Prize, then awarded The Twenty-first Century Worthy Tiptop Honorary Prize, and then appointed World Achievement Goldstar Prize. In the summer of 1996, Zhang held a solo art exhibition in American Sheraton Hotel and one of his works the ten-meter long Manada was awarded Goldman Prize. In 1996, chairman of American International WHO’S WHO Association nominated Zhang chosen by World 500 Leaders Dictionary; he was appointed World Lifelong Achievement Upstream Prize and later awarded President Gold Prize. In 1998, Zhang was awarded Laurel of a Hundred Contemporary Excellent Artist by China Calligraphy and Painting Committee. In 1999, his works were chosen into 1999 China Famous Expert Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition, won him “Tiptop Honorary Gold Prize”, and Zhang was conferred the title of “Cross-century Celebrity in Calligraphy and Painting”. In December 1999, Zhang was awarded “Excellent Prize” in Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition for the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Foundation of People’s Republic of China held by Chinese Culture Association. In 2000, his work Glorious Spring was chosen into the Second Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition and the Second National Flower and Bird Exhibition Collection. In the same year, his works were chosen into the Third Prince Cup Cross-strait Calligraphy and Painting Contest and won him Special Gold Prize. In July 2000, his landscape painting Ode to Motherland was chosen into the World Chinese Art Grand Exhibition co-held by such organizations as Chinese Culture Department, the People’s Painting Publishing House, and won him World Copper Prize. In the same year, Zhang’s works were chosen into the World Art Grand Exhibition held by such sixteen world art organizations as International Artists Association and was appointed the honorary title of “Art Celebrity in World Painting and Calligraphy”. Also in the same year, Zhang’s work Unpolluted Place was chosen into National Cross-century Famous Chinese Painting Exhibition and Cross-century Famous Chinese Painting Collection. In 2001, Zhang was awarded “ Gold Prize” and “World Chinese Elites Achievement Gold Prize Artist” by World Chinese Artist Exchange Center, “World Chinese Elites Achievement Prize Appraisal Committee” and “Chinese Artist Affection Association”. In June 2000, his work Spring won him Century Honorary Prize in the Fifth World Chinese Art Exhibition held in Hong Kong City Hall. In 2001, Zhang was chosen among the Ten Most Potential Value-added Calligraphy and Painting Master Nationwide by Business. In September 2002, Zhang was awarded Nomination Prize of China Art Top 500 and introduced in a special column of Art 2002 Issue 9. In 2002, CCTV shot a 30- minute special program called Wildwind—A Dream of Painter Zhang Chaoxiang, which was broadcasted in CCTV 1, CCTV 3, CCTV 4, CCTV 8, etc. Shanghai Education TV Shot for him a ten-minute long TV program called The Stories of Wildwind, which was broadcasted time and again. Zhang Chaoxiang was introduced in a special column of China Painting Studies 2002 Issue 3. In 2003 his work Fairy Tales in the Wes China was chosen into the Second Nationwide Chinese Painting Exhibition, and another work The Dream of Comfortable Families was chosen into the Second Nationwide Chinese Painting Goldstar Prize Exhibition. In May 2004, Zhang won the title of “the King of Landscape Painting” in Painting Contest for King, and was awarded “Prominent Contribution Prize in Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Circle”.
In decades Zhang Chaoxiang held solo exhibition many times and co-exhibitions dozens of times, and hundreds of his works have been collected by friends from home and abroad. Special TV programs introducing Zhang Chaoxiang and his works were and being broadcasted in CCTV, Beijing TV, Shanxi TV, etc, such as Glorious Chin Cattle, Awe-inspiring of Age-old Trees, Elegant Demeanour of Wildwind, Wildwind Fluttering, Wildwind in Painting Circle, etc. Zhang and his works have been introduced by such important newspapers and magazines as the People’s Daily, China Daily, Xizang Daily, Culture and Art Daily, New Evening News, West Development Daily, Painting, Painting Observation, the People’s Painting, China Painting Times, Chinese Talents , Collectors, China Civil Aviation, etc. Zhang and his works have been chosen into more than two hundred dictionaries such as World WHO’S WHO, Son of the East, Twenty-first Century Talents Bank , Chinese Character Grand Dictionary, World Art Florilegium, Chinese Art Florilegium, Contemporary Celebrity and Elites Grand Dictionary, Chinese Art Exhibition and Collection Guide, China Contemporary Famous Calligraphy and Painting Artists – a Collection of Treasures, etc. Zhang Chaoxiang Creating the Wildwind School has been published by China Literary and Art Circles Publishing Corporation.
Translated by Kong Qinghua
Scale of professional fees: Chinese Painting 5,000 RMB up per square foot
Add: Mingzhu Alley NO. 5 West Ziqiang Road Xi’an City, 710014
Shanxi Province, PRC
Tel: 029-86234626
Mobile: 13032931773 13201657428
E-mail: chinayefeng@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.chinayefeng.com
手机:13032931773 13060399612