中国国际艺术大师 中国工艺美术大师 当代实力派艺术家 王瑞清 1964年生与中国山东、号-隐居山人,陶艺大师、艺术世家。并荣获"国际艺术大师和中国工艺美术大师"称号,长期在北京从事陶艺创作,深受海内外专家好评,作品质朴、淳厚、通过对土与火的深刻理解,以独特的艺术手法注入给泥土灵与魂,风格上给人以强烈的艺术生命力,多次参加国际大型陶艺展并获奖,部分作品被国内外博物馆和收藏家收藏。纯手工制作-绝无类同,收藏价值极高,欢迎海内外朋友提前定约。 WANGRUIQING ABOUT ART Wangruiqing 1964 Health and China's Shandong, of - seclusion Hermit, ceramics master, artistic family. And won "International Arts and Master of Arts and Master of China" title in Beijing in the long-term ceramic creation, praised by experts both at home and abroad, works simply Chun-Hou, through the soil and a deep understanding of the fire to the unique artistic approach to soil injection soul and spirit, style people with a strong sense of artistic vitality, and has participated in the large-scale international exhibition and award-winning pottery, some works were domestic and international museums and collectors. Pure hand - no similar, collectors value highly welcome advance for friends at home and abroad about. 地址:北京通州宋庄上上美术馆艺术家区内 手机:13261566285(北京)13153088228(山东) QQ:511958311 Http://www.80870.com/88 E-mail:q13153088228@126.com
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